di lingkungan kerja tepat nya
di bi
dang perhotelan ataupun restaurant, kebersihan merupakan hal sangat pokok untuk menjaga kelembapan area
dapur juga menjaga higienis peralatan
dapur. Pa
da umum nya area
dapur ter
dapat berbagai macam sayuran,
daging, buah-buahan, bumbu
dan lainnya yang terkait menu yang
di simpan sampai penyajian ke konsumen. Maka
dari itu staff kitchen
dan staff stewar
d saling koor
dinasi untuk menjaga kebersihan yang sesuai
and restaurateurs are only too aware of the competitive nature of their
business. Even relatively small towns tend to have a range of eateries
for the public to choose from, and although these may represent
different kinds of cuisine and dining, they are still competing for
custom. Often the choices made by diners reflect the circumstances of
the meal; they may be out for a birthday or anniversary celebration,
entertaining business partners or just need a quick meal for
convenience's sake. Whether you run a take away business, a cafe or an
haute cuisine restaurant, you need to provide the very best service and
food to customers to ensure repeat business.
Although the kinds of
food you prepare will have an impact on the catering equipment you use,
quality kitchen tools are a must for professional chefs and keen
amateurs alike. Items such as chef's knives, pans and scissors are a
must in any kitchen environment, but those who own restaurants and
hotels tend to take the view that catering equipment goes way beyond the
basic food preparation tools. Quality needs to extend to other aspects
of a business, so that bar areas, table ware and condiments are
presented properly. It is best never to forget that the majority of
diners do not get to see the kitchen in which their food is prepared.
They trust that quality and hygiene standards will be high, so whilst
chefs and waiting staff appreciate good equipment in the kitchen,
customers are more likely to judge the standard of an eatery on items
and objects they can see, on cleanliness and quality of food produced,
not to mention front of house staff performance.
When determining
which items of catering equipment you need, it can sometimes be easy to
overlook certain items, especially if you are new to the industry. Don't
forget proper clothing including shoes and headwear for those in the
kitchen, and items such as ice makers and wine coolers for bars. Kitchen
utensils come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and initially
purchasing all the items necessary can be very costly. There are
numerous places to buy bargain priced catering equipment, but be sure to
choose good quality, as this is by far the best long term investment.
in the business of food should be aware of the legalities and moral
obligations involved, to protect both customers and staff. Catering
equipment should be replaced when worn or damaged, and upgraded when
necessary. Damaged kitchen implements, white goods and related items can
endanger both patrons and staff. Poor service can cause customers to
feel alienated and they may not return to a restaurant, they can also
recommend that others do not visit. Issues surrounding hygiene, health
and safety can ultimately ruin a food business, so it is imperative that
every effort is made to ensure that all staff are properly trained and
equipped to do their jobs. Eating out is supposed to be an enjoyable and
relaxing activity, designed to allow diners to enjoy food, friends and
family without the stress of cooking and cleaning, treating customers
well can mean the difference between success and failure for the
catering industry.
Article Source:
dengan stan
dar operasional proce
dure yang berlaku
di setiap manajement perhotelan & restaurant
Divisi Stewar
d terbagi 3 shift untuk
di perhotelan bintang 5
di antara nya :
divisi staff stewar
d sen
diri sebagai pengontrolan, kebersihan juga preparation peralatan
dapur. Job
description staff stewar
d sangat jelas
di mana semua area su
dah terbagi pa
da masing-masing tempat yang su
di arahkan setiap supervisor.
Lingkungan kerja perhotelan terutama
divisi stewar
d seperti Penyediaan Peralatan Kebersihan di dalam ruangan kitchen maupun bar sangat di perlukan sebagai penunjang kebersihan dan kemudahan dalam melaksanakan tugas harian di antara nya :
nobody would debate the importance of good service in a bar, hotel or
restaurant, cleanliness is just as crucial for ensuring your customers
are happy.
Nobody wants to drink, eat or stay in a dirty
establishment so cleanliness and hygiene should never be understated in
their importance.
Ensuring you have the right cleaning and
janitorial equipment is just as important as making sure you have the
right bar accessories - otherwise you will soon lose customers who will
become tired of the mess, spills and grubbiness.
equipment is just like ordering other bar equipment in that you have to
remember its functionality. Fancy sensor bins or elaborate mops may work
well in a home-kitchen environment but they may not do so in the
confines of a busy working pub, bar or hotel
A good quality mop
and bucket are perhaps the most fundamental of janitorial accessories.
These range from small buckets with wringers to large mop buckets on
castors, for the larger premises.
A janitorial trolley should be
considered for a hotel or larger establishment as the cleaning
technician can store everything they need, making the process a whole
lot more efficient.
Making sure you have enough bins, both
indoors, behind the bars and in the kitchens; and externally, large
enough to cope with the waste between being emptied, will also making
keeping everywhere clean a lot easier.
A good supply of cloths and
cleaning products are crucial too as running out can lead to the
premises becoming messy, alarmingly quickly.
Other ways of helping
with cleanliness it ensure you provide smoking bins outside. These are
vital now with smoking bans and will help prevent all the cigarette ends
from building up outside.
Janitorial equipment is just as crucial
as other bar equipment and accessories so it is always worth looking
for quality rather than for the cheapest solution. Stainless steel is a
good idea when available as it will last and not become as grimy as
other materials and ensuring all cleaning products are kept maintained
and are cleaned will also ensure their longevity.
Article Source: di antara nya :
1. Broom & duspant = Sapu
nobody would debate the importance of good service in a bar, hotel or
restaurant, cleanliness is just as crucial for ensuring your customers
are happy.
Nobody wants to drink, eat or stay in a dirty
establishment so cleanliness and hygiene should never be understated in
their importance.
Ensuring you have the right cleaning and
janitorial equipment is just as important as making sure you have the
right bar accessories - otherwise you will soon lose customers who will
become tired of the mess, spills and grubbiness.
equipment is just like ordering other bar equipment in that you have to
remember its functionality. Fancy sensor bins or elaborate mops may work
well in a home-kitchen environment but they may not do so in the
confines of a busy working pub, bar or hotel
A good quality mop
and bucket are perhaps the most fundamental of janitorial accessories.
These range from small buckets with wringers to large mop buckets on
castors, for the larger premises.
A janitorial trolley should be
considered for a hotel or larger establishment as the cleaning
technician can store everything they need, making the process a whole
lot more efficient.
Making sure you have enough bins, both
indoors, behind the bars and in the kitchens; and externally, large
enough to cope with the waste between being emptied, will also making
keeping everywhere clean a lot easier.
A good supply of cloths and
cleaning products are crucial too as running out can lead to the
premises becoming messy, alarmingly quickly.
Other ways of helping
with cleanliness it ensure you provide smoking bins outside. These are
vital now with smoking bans and will help prevent all the cigarette ends
from building up outside.
Janitorial equipment is just as crucial
as other bar equipment and accessories so it is always worth looking
for quality rather than for the cheapest solution. Stainless steel is a
good idea when available as it will last and not become as grimy as
other materials and ensuring all cleaning products are kept maintained
and are cleaned will also ensure their longevity.
Article Source:
dan pengki
2. Carry caddy = kotak perlengkapan pembersih untuk menyimpan perlengkapan dan bahan pembersih yang bentuknya kecil.
3. Hand gloves = alat yang digunakan untuk melindungitangan dari bahan kimia berbahaya
4. Sponge/scourer = alat untuk membersihkan bathtub, dinding kamar mandi, dan wash basin.
5.Hand brush = sikat yang di pakai untuk menggosok kotoran dan noda-noda pada lantai atau dinding kamar mandi
6. Dry Cloth = kain untuk mengelap objek keramik, porcelain dan sejenisnya.
7. Glass cloth = kain untuk mengeringkan gelas-gelas dalam kamar.
8. Polishing cloth = potongan kain masih baru maupun bekas handuk rusak
yang tidak digunakan lagi yang dipakai untuk mengkilapkan metal.
9. Chamois = alat yang terbuat dari kulit kijang asli ataupun sintesis untuk mengeringkan bathtub, kaca dan objek sejenis.
10. Glass squeegee = alat untuk menyeka air atau bahan pembersih pada kaca.
11. Sprayer bottle = alat menampung Chemical.
12. Toilet bowl brush = alat untuk menyikat bagian dalam toilet.
13. Door stopper = alat pengganjal pintu kamar.
14. Wet mop = mop untuk mengemop lantai kramik.
15. Bucket dan mop presser = alat untuk memeras mop, lengkap dengan ember penampung airnya.
16. Dust mop = mop kering untuk mengangkat debu pada lantai marmer, kramik dan kayu.
17. Dry vacuum cleaner = penyedot debu dan sampah-sampah berukuran kecil yang terdapat dalam kamar.
18. Cape = Alat untuk mengerok sisa pembakaran/ penggorengan
Penyedian Chemical :
1. Disinfectant = bahan kimia pembunuh kuman
2. Glass cleaner = bahan pembersih kaca
3. Floor cleaner = bahan pembersih lantai
4. Furniture Polish = bahan pengkilap perabotan
5. Detergent = bahan mencuci gelas, porcelain, dan sejenisnya
6. Metal polish = bahan pengkilap metal
7. Multi perpose cleaner = bahan kimia pembersih yang memiliki beberapa
fungsi seperti membersihkan kaca, gelas, furniture dan lantai
8. Air freshener = pengharum ruangan
Pastikan setiap ruang dapur memiliki cukup tempat sampah, baik di dalam ruangan, di belakang jeruji besi dan di dapur; dan secara eksternal, cukup besar untuk mengatasi limbah, juga akan membuat menjaga kebersihan di mana-mana jauh lebih mudah. Persediaan kain dan produk pembersih yang baik juga sangat penting karena kehabisan dapat menyebabkan bangunan menjadi berantakan, dengan cepat mengkhawatirkan.
Peralatan kebersihan sama pentingnya dengan peralatan dan aksesori bar lainnya sehingga selalu layak untuk mencari kualitas daripada solusi termurah. Stainless steel adalah ide yang baik bila tersedia karena akan bertahan lama dan tidak menjadi kotor seperti bahan lainnya dan memastikan semua produk pembersih tetap terjaga dan dibersihkan juga akan memastikan umur panjangnya peralatan dapur dan juga sekaligus peralatan kebersihan.
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